Ballot Language
Ballot Title:
Limiting persons disembarking from cruise ships to a total of 1,500 persons per day.
Ballot Summary:
“The number of persons disembarking from cruise ships shall be limited to a total of not more than 1,500 persons per day at any and all public and privately owned or leased property located within the municipal boundary of the City of Key West.”
Ballot Title:
Prohibiting cruise ships with a capacity of 1,300 or more persons from disembarking.
Ballot Summary:
“Cruise ships with the capacity to carry 1,300 or more persons (passengers and crew) shall be prohibited from disembarking individuals at any and all public or privately owned or leased property located within the municipal boundary of the City of Key West.”
Ballot Title:
To give priority to cruise lines with the best environmental and health records.
Ballot Summary:
“The City of Key West shall give preference and priority to cruise ships and cruise lines that have the best environmental record (the lowest number of environmental violations, penalties and fines) and best health record (the best scores and least number of violations in health inspections and reports issued by the Center for Disease Control Vessel Sanitation Program).”